Ever wondered why the dealer’s trade-in offer for your car feels lower than expected? There's more to it than just negotiation tactics.
March 17, 2025
Trading in your old car is often the most stressful part of buying a new car. Most car owners choose between selling privately or trading their vehicle directly to the dealer. However, the convenience of a dealer trade-in usually means accepting a lower valuation.
The reality is that dealership trade-in values reflect significant overhead costs associated with running a physical dealership. But trading in doesn't have to mean losing out—this guide explains exactly how dealerships determine your car’s value and offers strategies to help you secure a fair deal.
Understanding the behind-the-scenes factors that influence your car’s trade-in value can put you in the driver's seat during your next dealership visit.
Step-by-Step Guide to Dealer Trade-in Valuations
When you trade in your car, dealers assess it by considering market conditions, costs involved, and expected profits. Typically, a dealer aims to make around $3,000 profit per trade-in to keep their dealership running smoothly. Here's how it works:
Firstly, the dealer assesses if your car meets the standards for a Roadworthy Certificate (RWC). If repairs are needed—like replacing tyres, brakes, or windscreen—these costs (usually between $500–$1,500) are deducted from your car's value.
Example: A 2018 Toyota Corolla valued at $20,000 retail might drop to $18,500 if it needs new tyres and brakes to pass RWC.
Appearance significantly impacts your car’s value. Dealers factor in detailing costs, typically around $200–$400, to prepare your car for resale.
Example: A dirty 2017 Mazda CX-5 might require $400 in professional detailing and $600 in paint and panel reducing its wholesale value accordingly.
Dealers don’t guess your car's value; they systematically calculate it based on:
Example Breakdown:
Cost Type | Estimated Cost |
RWC & Repairs | $800 |
Detailing | $400 |
Transport | $300 |
Wages | $400 |
Insurance & Tax | $300 |
Advertising | $400 |
Total Costs | $2,600 |
Dealer Profit | $3,000 |
Total Deduction | $5,600 |
So, if your car's retail value is $25,000, expect a trade-in valuation around $19,500.
Trade-ins offer convenience, but dealers have significant expenses. Understanding this helps you negotiate fairly and get a good deal.
The Alternative to Trading In
Trading your car to a dealer isn't your only option. Selling directly to a trusted used car buyer can put extra cash in your pocket and save you from hidden dealership costs. If you prefer simplicity, transparency, and a higher return for your vehicle, explore how easy it can be to sell your car quickly today.